The following entities are participants in the Round Table:
- ABLIRC – Brazilian Association for Religious Freedom and Citizenship Rights;
- Alliance of Congregational Evangelical Churches in Brazil;
- ANAMEL – National Association of Evangelical Magistrates.
- ANAJURE – National Association of Evangelical Jurists;
- Committee for Religious Freedom of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association;
- Committee for Religious Freedom of the Brazilian Bar Association of Espirito Santo State;
- CEJEC – Commission of Evangelical and Christian Jurists of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association;
- CONIB – The Israelite Confederation of Brazil;
- General Convention of the Assembly of God Churches in Brazil;
- National Convention of The Assembly of God Churches – The Madureira Ministry;
- Interreligious Forum of the Secretary for Justice and Citizens’ Rights in São Paulo;
- São Paulo State Assembly Parliamentary Front for the Defense of Religious Freedom;
- The Seventh Day Adventist Church;
- The Brazilian Presbyterian Church;
- IBDR – The Brazilian Institute for Law and Religion;
- LIBERTAS – Association for the Defense of Religious Freedom;
- UNIGREJAS – National Union of Evangelical Churches and Pastors.