1. Several religious institutions (Evangelical, Pentecostal, Adventist, Jewish, etc.) and numerous civil society agencies (including OAB commission, institutes, associations of jurists and magistrates) formed the Brazilian Roundtable, an informal entity, that is, not notary registered.

  2. The purpose is to defend freedom of expression in matters of belief and religion, as well as those of religious practice (worship and proselytism). The Round Table will have no political-party, ideological or religious affiliation.

  3. The Roundtable will maintain a permanent relationship with the INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ROUNDTABLE (IRFRT), headquartered in Washington and made up of Roundtables from dozens of countries around the world.

  4. THE INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ROUNDTABLE was the inspiration behind the Alliance for Religious Freedom (Brazil, USA and 30 other countries), an organization that annually holds the Ministerial Meeting for Religious Freedom. The IRFRT is the entity that dialogues with the governments of the various countries that make up the Alliance, especially during the Ministerial meetings, representing civil society.